The Value of Expertise

As a DBMS SQL Server is a powerful, cost-effective, and simple-to-use DBMS able to service the needs of most small-to-medium size businesses right out-of-the-box without professional management by a DBA.  In fact, a recent survey reported that 45% of IT personnel...

IO, IO it’s off to work we go.

When we focus on IO performance for SQL Server it is vitally important to understand the architecture of the disk subsystem.  Typically, a DBA will focus on Disk Queue Length as the primary measure of IO performance; however, in a Storage Area Network (SAN)...

When brains are needed, brawn won’t help.

The truth of this Yiddish proverb has been repeatedly reveled to me in both my personal and professional lives. Professionally, I cannot begin to count the number of client’s with whom I have worked who have tried to solve a SQL Server performance issue with more...