What are Page Splits?

What are Page Splits?

Are you noticing a drop in performance? Are you seeing a large percentage of index fragmentation? If your data page fill factor value set to a high number, page splits could be the culprit. We have helped many of our VDBA customers with these problems. What are Page...
Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

When tuning performance for an IBM Informix instance, one important issue to look for is the presence of tables and indexes containing a large number of extents.  Today’s high speed disks and SSD drives can mask some of the performance hit, making this an area...

Liferay Performance Tips – Page Load Caching

I recently came across a unique issue with a client.  I was working on some performance optimizations due to latency on page load.  I found an interesting issue around caching and this inspired my blog.  Without giving any specific details, the client...