Tutorial: Advanced Navigation in Liferay Themes

Tutorial: Advanced Navigation in Liferay Themes

This is part 1 of a series written for UI-dev/FED new to Liferay. This assumes you’re solid with css/html/javascript, and have at least a passing understanding of dynamic languages like PHP or ASP. If you have a Java background, you may want to skip the parts that...

Excel Chart Portlet

Microsoft Excel is the de facto standard spreadsheet tool used by businesses around the world and houses some of the most critical business information. However businesses often struggle to make this information available to employees and other stakeholders that would...

Mongo DB & Liferay Integration

If you spend any time in blogs or in online I.T. press you hear Big Data, scalable solutions, and NoSQL databases all the time.  One popular NoSQL database solution is Mongo DB. Mongo is “document-based”, not “table-based”.  It...

Liferay 6.1 SAML Custom Assertion

Identity Provider Custom Assertions After a request by a customer to provide custom attributes for an Identity Provider initiated login, I looked into what it would take to provide the attributes that were requested (a brief introduction to SAML can be viewed here)....