Data Governance

The inconsistent use and interpretation of data
and poor data quality results in high-risk exposure instead,
let XTIVIA help you standardize, establish processes,
and procedures and resolve data quality issues.

Our proprietary data governance consulting processes ensure you’ll always have superior-quality data.

Enterprise Data is the most critical asset of an organization and is most often overlooked and managed in silos resulting in poor data quality, data security, and compliance issues. When governed and managed right, Data Governance helps business users speak the same language, interpret the data consistently, and secure the data appropriately resulting in higher profits, higher compliance, and lower risk. Despite the enterprise-wide benefits, most organizations hit a roadblock when it comes to getting such initiatives funded, evangelizing and getting a buy-in across the entire organization. XTIVIA’s Experts in Data Governance help organizations get past these roadblocks and establish Data Governance Practice and operate the Data Governance Office that instills the Data Quality, Data Security, and Compliance across the life-cycle of data – cradle to grave.

Data Governance group image

XTIVIA’s Data Governance Methodology

Our methodology provides a holistic approach from Inception to Operation and covers both Business and IT. It covers the full gamut of Organization, Process, and Technology. Keeping our focus on Data, our methodology ensures visibility and success of the Data Quality, ROI on Data Governance program through identification and implementation of Data Governance use cases and business process. All this in a repeatable and proven methodology with template artifacts and XTIVIA’s Big Data Accelerator.

from the customer

Global VP of Architecture

Global Car Rental Company

“As part of a significant technology transformation initiative, we needed a technology partner that had deep expertise and the capacity to understand our situation as well as the ability to implement the solution. XTIVIA was that partner. As a result, we integrated hundreds of mission-critical applications in a short timeframe.”

Data Governance Project

As part of a significant transformation initiative, our client needed to define a consistent future state that will be the foundation for the requirements for the technology teams implementing the future state systems. However, the customer did not have a working body or a decision body that will help define the future state.

Organize, Utilize, and Protect

the required element for your organization–your Data.

Let's Talk Today!

No obligation, no pressure. We're easy to talk with and you might be surprised at how much you can learn about your project by speaking with our experts.

304 South 8th Street, Suite 201
Colorado Springs, CO 80905 USA

Additional offices in New York, New Jersey,
Missouri, Texas, Virginia, and Hyderabad, India.

USA toll free: 888-685-3101, ext. 2
International: +1 719-685-3100, ext. 2
Fax: +1 719-685-3400

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