Make a difference for your customer while you improve profitability, and more effectively manage business.

QA Testing

XTIVIA has built a QA competency center by standardizing test processes, implementing best practices, and more.

Customer Relationship Management

Care enough to know what’s going on with your current (and future) customers at any time.


Optimize your government contracts while being both current and regulation compliant.

Microsoft Solutions

Cohesive connectivity, productivity, and accountability from start to finish.

Software Licensing

We help navigate the challenges, compliance, and discounts of software licensing.

Experts Standing By To Assist with Your Business Needs

Let's Talk Today!

No obligation, no pressure. We're easy to talk with and you might be surprised at how much you can learn about your project by speaking with our experts.

304 South 8th Street, Suite 201
Colorado Springs, CO 80905 USA

Additional offices in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, and Hyderabad, India.

USA toll-free: 888-685-3101, ext. 2
International: +1 719-685-3100, ext. 2
Fax: +1 719-685-3400