
XTIVIA’s Remote Database Administration Service—Virtual-DBA Celebrates 10 Years

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado — June 1, 2009 — XTIVIA, Inc. is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its remote database administration support solution, Virtual-DBA (www.virtual-dba.com). XTIVIA is a market leader in multi-platform remote database administration with the ability to monitor and support IBM DB2 LUW, IBM Informix, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase.

Since its launch ten years ago, Xtivia has continued to enhance the Virtual-DBA service offering. Most recently Xtivia launched their upgraded client portal providing customers with new functionality including improved reporting on service-hour usage, case management and database statistics, simplified access to assigned primary and currently on call Virtual-DBA support team contact information, enhanced navigation and a more secure environment. All of this information is available to clients online at anytime.

“Over the past ten years we have continually solicited feedback and direction from our customers on how to improve our Remote DBA services,” explains President and CEO Dennis Robinson. ”This process has enabled us to apply unrivaled technical expertise in our customers’ environments no matter what database platform they may be utilizing.”

“Today, any amount of downtime can mean lost productivity, lost revenue, lost customers, and lost opportunities,” Robinson added. “Subscribing to Xtivia’s Virtual-DBA service not only realizes automatic return on investment, but enables further benefits because our clients have database technology professionals available when they are needed. That’s redefining ROI—return on investment and return on information.”

XTIVIA has won industry recognition as a trendsetting and innovative organization delivering integrated solutions across a range of channels. The company attributes its successful track record to an investment in people, processes and technology.