Today we will demonstrate part two of the XTIVIA Mobile Demo application for Android. If you haven’t watched part one you should check it out by clicking here. Since the last video we have added several new features that will be covered:
- Revamped article listing that includes a thumbnail image and the author’s avatar
- Categories, category filtering and category subscriptions
- Push notifications using Liferay Push!
Liferay Enterprise Portal has delivered a new tool, Liferay Push, that allows us to keep users informed using push notifications. One advantage of this is the ability to send the notifications from within the Liferay ecosystem. No integration with 3rd party solutions like Parse or Urban Airship is necessary. Liferay Push is not some custom push notification service, but a middleman that handles all of the communications to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM for Android) and Apple Push Notification System (APNS for Apple).
- The user’s device is registered with Liferay Push (on your Liferay server)
- You send out push notifications from custom portlets, services, etc using familiar Liferay APIs
- Liferay Push handles all of the registration and communication to GCM or APNS to handle the push notifications
- The user receives a feature-rich notification on their mobile device