Vivek Agarwal CTO

Vivek Agarwal | Chief Technology Officer & Vice President, Digital Experience Solutions

Vivek Agarwal is responsible for XTIVIA’s overall technology portfolio and leads the Digital Experience Solutions practice. His DX team provides consulting, architecture, implementation and support services around digital experience platforms, mobility, integration, cloud, analytics, and other enterprise software. He is a 2018-2019 member of the invitation-only Forbes Technology Council and shares his perspectives on

Vivek Agarwal
Chief Technology Officer
Vice President, Digital Experience Solutions 

Vivek Agarwal is responsible for XTIVIA’s overall technology portfolio and leads the Digital Experience Solutions practice. His DX team provides consulting, architecture, implementation and support services around digital experience platforms, mobility, integration, cloud, analytics, and other enterprise software. He is a 2018-2019 member of the invitation-only Forbes Technology Council and shares his perspectives on

Frictionless Enterprise: Five Enablers To Improve Operations And Digital Experience

In my last article, I introduced the frictionless enterprise as the foundation of a truly successful digital transformation initiative. I discussed how there are many factors that go into designing and running a frictionless enterprise, but there are four traits that... read more

The Top 10 Pain Points Facing Enterprise IT

Enterprise IT today is no walk in the park, given the significant pain points waiting to be confronted and which can threaten business success (both short- and long-term). These pain points go beyond industry changes and demands, which are challenging enough on their... read more

The Frictionless Enterprise

Whether it’s on your favorite social media platform or mentioned in the latest Gartner/Forrester analyst reports, you cannot escape conversations about digital transformation, customer experience and eliminating friction. As with most emerging trends, these... read more

7 Disruptions That Are Shaping Customer Experience Today

A shorter version of this post was originally published on You can read the original version or this post which provides more context around each of the disruptions. Today’s rapid pace of disruptive change is shaping customer expectations and,... read more

Digital Enterprise Means Less Today: Serverless, Timeless, Frictionless

Next-level enterprise requires next-level technologies, including cloud technologies, cognitive systems, hyper-personalized user experiences, intelligent bots, augmented reality and messaging platforms that deliver relevant messaging in seconds. We are entering a... read more

Serverless and PaaS, FaaS, SaaS: Same, Similar or Not Even Close?

There’s little doubt the many benefits of cloud computing such as greater business agility, reduced operational cost, on-demand scalability (aka elasticity), rapid deployment and enhanced security are driving businesses in their migration to the cloud. Gartner... read more

Choosing the Right Mobile Development Strategy for YOU

This article / e-book is intended for the Product Owner, IT VP/Director/Manager, Enterprise Architect, or Mobile Developer who is tasked with trying to implement a mobile app, and is confused by the multitude of mobile app development approaches out there and the... read more

What is a Digital Experience Platform and Why You Need One?

Digital Experience Platform or DXP, User Experience Platform or UXP, Customer Experience Platform or CXP – you have probably heard some or all of these terms flying around or being thrown at you by vendors, industry literature, or even your CxO or Digital... read more

Top 10 Features of Liferay Forms

The Forrester Wave report identifies that the proliferation of customer touchpoints, applications, and digital interactions demand a new technology architecture. Liferay’s newest release of its flagship product does just that and is aptly named the Liferay... read more

The Top 10 New Features in Liferay DXP 7

Introduction As many of you know we have been working for 10+ years on the Liferay platform, ever since the Liferay v3.6 days (circa 2006), and have seen the platform evolve and grow significantly over the years with each release. The recent release of Liferay Digital... read more