Dennis Robinson CEO XTIVIA

Dennis RobinsonChief Executive Officer

Dennis Robinson has led the XTIVIA management team since 2001. Dennis has more than 25 years of experience with an emphasis on P&L performance, financial management, marketing strategy, strategic business planning and development of information systems and technologies. Prior to joining XTIVIA, Dennis was the co-founder of Sterling Carteret, Inc., located in Colorado Springs, CO, where he held the position of Vice President of Sales. Prior to that, he was Director of Operations of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., in Bentonville, Arkansas. Dennis attended Wichita State University and holds several technical and sales certifications in information technology.

Dennis Robinson
Chief Executive Officer

Dennis Robinson has led the XTIVIA management team since 2001. Dennis has more than 25 years of experience with an emphasis on P&L performance, financial management, marketing strategy, strategic business planning and development of information systems and technologies. Prior to joining XTIVIA, Dennis was the co-founder of Sterling Carteret, Inc., located in Colorado Springs, CO, where he held the position of Vice President of Sales. Prior to that, he was Director of Operations of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., in Bentonville, Arkansas. Dennis attended Wichita State University and holds several technical and sales certifications in information technology.

How We Are Cultivating a Positive (Remote) Corporate Culture

One of the great–and most challenging–things about business in today’s digital environment is that people can work from anywhere. The opportunities afforded by being able to hire top talent regardless of geographical location are exponential. At the same time,... read more

Honor-based PTO Reflects Corporate Values

I am proud to share that XTIVIA has adopted a new Honor-Based Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy that reflects our core values of innovation, long-term relationships, and passion. Our leaders determined this is a high-impact strategy for attracting and retaining top talent,... read more

What to Know About Digital Marketing Initiatives

As a result of today’s digital business economy, CEOs need to validate and invest in marketing initiatives. That said, the ROI of the big bucket of ‘marketing’ can be fuzzy to measure, people didn’t use to be so digitally-oriented and connected... read more

Is It Possible to Deliver a Quality Customer Experience Without Technology?

In considering quality customer experience for today’s B2B enterprise success, I like to play devil’s advocate. This gets interesting because I am the CEO of a B2B enterprise tech integration and implementation company. Because I like challenges, here... read more

Tech Trends You Need to Know – 2019

As we closed out 2018, we stopped to look around and see what’s happening in technology to help you see what’s next on the horizon. Digital enterprise is evolving faster than ever, customer conversations are more dynamic than ever and technology is... read more

Informix Database Replication

The following are observations and recommendations from one of our clients experiencing issues with Informix Database Replication. 1.) The session thread was doing quite a bit of sleeping. This normally occurs when control is handed off to another thread. The... read more

Installing Liferay CE Portal 6.0.6 with Tomcat

Using CamStudio the educational presentation was created to show the ease of installing Liferay Portal CE 6.0.6 with... read more

Mark Halstead presenting “SQL Server Performance Tuning” at SQL Saturday #66 on 2/12/2011 in Colorado Springs

Mark Halstead, is presenting at SQL Saturday #66, in Colorado Springs, Co. on Feb. 12th, 2011. The title of his session is “SQL Server Performance Tuning”. SQL Server performance tuning with an emphasis on finding the bottlenecks, Query design... read more