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Download Library

Read on the go with downloads that can help you address an issue like Top Oracle Errors, or make a plan with The 10 Essential Steps to a Successful CRM Implementation, or Boomi Naming Component Guidelines, and more!


XTIVIA download salesforce for real estate success

Unlocking the Potential of Salesforce for Real Estate Success

Salesforce offers excellent capabilities for real estate businesses, but effectively customizing it requires understanding your specific needs and the functionalities offered by the platform since there are various aspects of real estate businesses…

eBook Overcoming the Top 10 Oracle Errors

Overcoming the Top 10 Oracle Errors

Oracle is one of the most common database management systems, but even Oracle isn’t without its occasional glitches. This eBook outlines ten of the common errors…

eBook SQL Server 2008 End of Life

Guide to SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 End of Life

There’s hundreds of thousands of companies across the globe use Microsoft SQL Server every day, whether its one version or another. For one of the most popular versions, SQL Server 2008/2008…

eBook Database 101

Database 101

A solid database is necessary in today’s digital enterprise, and knowledge around how databases work is just as important. Here’s an introduction to databases. Let’s start with some background for people that know nothing about databases…

eBook Guide to AlwaysOn

XTIVIA’s Guide to AlwaysOn

AlwaysOn is Microsoft’s newest high-availability technology that’s set to eventually replace SQL Server Mirroring. With the ability to be configured on premises, in the cloud, or even in a hybrid solution, AlwaysOn allows for more flexibility…

eBook Informix Basic Administration Part 2

Informix Basic Administration – Part 2

The following eBook covers the backup and recovery of an Informix instance. This includes the Informix tools for archive and restore, performing a table level restore, and backing up the…

eBook Informix Basic Administration Part 1

Informix Basic Administration – Part 1

The following eBook covers the installation of Informix, initial configuration and best practices. It also includes how to add space, how to start and stop the database….

eBook The Ten Steps for Successful CRM Implementation

The 10 Essential Steps for a Successful CRM Implementation

Having a solid CRM strategy is important for building long-term success with your clients, make sure you allow enough budget for your CRM strategy to flourish. Without a CRM system in place…

eBook Top Ten New Features in Liferay 7.2

Top 10 New Features in Liferay 7.2

As many of you know we have been working for 13+ years on the Liferay platform, ever since the Liferay v3.6 days (circa 2006), and have seen the platform evolve and grow significantly over the years with…

eBook What is a Digital Experience Platform

What is a Digital Experience Platform? …and why you need one.

Digital Experience Platforms or DXP, User Experience Platform or UXP, Customer Experience Platform or CXP – you have probably heard some or all of these terms flying around or being thrown at you…

eBook A CRM Practitioner's Guide to Data Migration Survival

A CRM Practitioner’s Guide to Data Migration Survival

New applications are constantly added to leverage core benefits and improve business processes, but making them talk cohesively to the rest of the enterprise data and systems is the challenge. At XTIVIA, we pride ourselves in getting two disparate systems to talk to each…

eBook Choosing the Right Mobile Strategy for You

Choosing the Right Mobile Development Strategy for YOU

Mobility and mobile strategy has been the focus of many CIOs, business owners, and enterprises for many years as a fundamental and significant architectural decision; this technology space has been…

eBook New Liferay DXP Features

The Top 10 New Features in Liferay DXP 7

The new features in Liferay DXP 7 will produce immediate benefits in your business processes, speed, and agility. As someone who has implemented many Liferay projects over the last decade, I think some of these top 10 features are pretty amazing, and most customers…

eBook Teradata New Features

New Features, Design, & Tuning Tips for Teradata 15.10

New Features, Design, & Tuning Tips for Teradata 15.10 is a very useful report packed full of real-world helpful tips and advice from our Expert Teradata team…

eBook Top 5 AngularJS Development Anti-Patterns

Top 5 AngularJS Development Anti-Patterns

Top 5 AngularJS Development Anti-Patterns for Large Scale Enterprise Applications is a very helpful report on the practices to avoid when creating a scalable and performant application that works with large sets of data. There are anti-patterns as well as other very helpful…

eBook Top Ten Tips for SQL Server Performance

The Top Ten Tips for SQL Server Performance & Resiliency

You’re about to download The Top Ten Tips for SQL Server Performance & Resiliency from XTIVIA. This e-book is full of helpful advice and instructions on how to avoid making some of the most common mistakes we see companies making…

White Papers

Dell Boomi Compnent Naming Guidelines

Boomi Naming Component Guidelines

Naming standards are crucial for better integration readability and maintenance. This download is the one-stop-shop for Boomi Component Naming Guidelines; it covers naming guidelines for 20….

White Paper API Design & Implementation Best Practices

API Design & Implementation Best Practices

Digital transformation is happening everywhere with the involvement of mobile and cloud technologies. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), once seen as developers’ tools, are now being exposed to…

Dell Boomi Best Practices and Process Design Guidelines

Boomi Best Practices & Process Design Guidelines

Boomi is an exciting product that provides transformational integration capabilities; this is a blueprint containing best practices for driving your Boomi implementation….

White Paper Blueprint for a Serverless App

Blueprint for a Serverless App

This article is a primer intended to outline an example blueprint for a serverless application, covering common components present in many serverless applications and the glue needed to stitch them…

10 Tips to Position Your Boomi Initiative for Success

10 Tips to Position Your Boomi Initiative for Success

Here are 10 tips from our experience to set your Boomi project up for success. The growth of a globalized economy and the increased pace of modern business has resulted in…

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